How to Plan a Visit to Livingstone's Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park - Everything You Need to Know to Organize a Tour of the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park

Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park is located between the Zambezi River and Livingstone town, and it is the smallest national park in all of Zambia. The park occupies a pride of place and offers a unique natural beauty that attracts visitors from around the world. This wildlife sanctuary is a must-visit highlight for all nature lovers touring the country. Here's everything you need to know to plan an unforgettable visit to the reserve.

Fabio Achilli from Milano, Italy, Rhinos, Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, Zambia (48598074492), CC BY 2.0

1. Read up

Those who intend to explore the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park during a holiday in Zambia must first research the smallest national park in the country and what it has to offer visitors. Set up as early as 1972, the wildlife reserve was meant to house every species found or endemic to Zambia in one location. Stretching from the Batoka Gorge all the way up to the Zambezi River, which is just above Victoria Falls, the park extends across 12km. What makes the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park a must-visit highlight for nature lovers is that it is the only reserve where one can spot white rhinos in the wild. As a sanctuary under the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, the park has taken measures to protect these endangered beasts from poachers.

2. Time the Visit

The next step in the planning process is timing the tour and it is best to visit this part of Zambia during the dry period from June to August. The months of January and February are also suitable times of the year for a safari adventure in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park as Victoria Falls is also spectacular during this period. Avoid visiting the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in May as the fall's water flow reaches peak levels making exploration impossible due to the depth of the water spray. In terms of wildlife, elephants are spotted all year round as they swim across the Zambezi at will although most other species are best viewed during the dry spell from July to September.

3. Reserve Accommodation near the Park

Travellers would also do well to reserve a hotel in Zambia close to the national park as Avani Victoria Falls Resort and similar properties offer easy access to the park and Victoria Falls. In addition to being able to make multiple trips to the wildlife hotspot, tourists based close to Victoria Falls can also witness its beauty at various hours of the day.

4. Sign up for a Safari

Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park is sprawled across a total area of 66kmĀ², and the best way to explore the national park is on a safari tour. There are plenty of private tour organisers at your disposal in Livingstone and online. Some of the most frequently sighted species at the park include giraffes, antelopes, zebras and buffaloes although warthogs are also known to occupy the venue in great numbers. Birdwatchers can gaze upon peregrine falcons, augur buzzards, black eagles and Taita falcons among countless other winged beauties.

5. Witness the Majesty of Victoria Falls

Another reason to spend more time at Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park is the opportunity to see a significant portion of Victoria Falls, which is one of the main attractions in the park. In fact, visitors can view up to 25% of the natural wonder from various viewpoints within the park, offering a truly awe-inspiring experience. The Devil's Pool and the Eastern Cataract are both visible from Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. Those who walk across the footbridge in the park towards Knife Edge can also explore the Boiling Point via the slopes that lead to the shores of the Zambezi River.

6. Make Time for a Cultural Tour

Some of the heritage sites located inside the park include the Cemetary and the Old Drift Crossing Point where the European settlers of old used floating Ox wagons to cross the river as the bridge was not yet built.