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How to Explore Botswana National Museum – A Journey Through Time

Botswana, a gem nestled in the heartland of Southern Africa, is lauded globally for its diverse cultural fabric. Sitting proudly in the hustle and bustle of the capital city, Gaborone is the National Museum. A place teeming with history, art, and the soul of Botswana, the museum serves as a window into the country's glorious past and evolving present.

Getting to the Museum

Getting to the National Museum is no challenge. If you are staying within the boundaries of Gaborone, simply hail a taxi, instruct the driver, and you'll be at the doorstep in no time. Want to drive yourself? That's not a problem at all. The museum premises offer ample parking space for your vehicle, ensuring a convenient start to your journey into Botswana's past.

Accommodation Near the Museum

The capital city, Gaborone, extends a wide array of accommodation choices to suit every traveller's needs and budget. Luxurious five-star hotels, homely guest houses, budget hostels – you name it, Gaborone has it. What's even better is that many of these establishments are within a stone's throw of the museum. For instance, Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino is only eight minutes from the museum.

The Best Time to Visit

While the National Museum welcomes visitors all year round, the period between May and September strikes the perfect balance of pleasant weather and manageable crowds, making your museum tour not just educational but thoroughly enjoyable. But make sure to check the museum’s operating hours to make sure they align with your time of visit. Visiting the museum is one of the best things to do in Gaborone, so if you don’t prefer crowds, consider visiting during the low season from December to March.

The Museum’s Attractions

The museum's numerous galleries bring to life Botswana's historical, cultural, and natural heritage. From the echo of ancient rock art to the visual narration of traditional customs and crafts, the displays span a broad spectrum of the country's timeline, offering you a well-rounded perspective.


Several exhibits steal the spotlight at the museum. The San rock art replicas are a testament to the artistic prowess of ancient civilisations. The ethnobotanical garden, showcasing native flora and their traditional uses, is a rare treat. Not to miss are the traditional huts that offer an insight into the indigenous architectural styles of Botswana.

Museum’s Collections

The museum boasts a variety of collections, each telling you a unique story. The archaeology collection paints a vivid picture of Botswana's prehistoric era. The art collection is a medley of traditional and contemporary pieces that trace the evolution of artistic expression. The ethnography collection offers a deep dive into the lifestyles and traditions of Botswana's numerous tribes.

Why Visit Botswana National Museum?

The National Museum is more than a house of art and artefacts. It's a doorway to understanding and appreciating the country’s multicultural diversity and rich history. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a culture vulture, or a curious traveller, the museum promises an engaging and enlightening experience.

Nearby Attractions

The cultural expedition doesn't end at the museum. Several attractions in the vicinity vie for your attention. The Gaborone Game Reserve offers an opportunity to witness Botswana's unique wildlife. A scenic hike up Kgale Hill promises panoramic city views. The Three Dikgosi Monument, honouring the tribal leaders of the past, is another compelling visit.

Tips for Visiting the Museum

Here are some tips to keep in mind for the perfect museum visit:
  • Plan Your Visit: Check the museum's official website for current exhibitions, events, and any possible closures.
  • Dress Comfortably: Wear comfortable shoes as you'll be walking a lot, and carry a light sweater as indoor exhibits can sometimes be chilly.
  • Follow the Rules: Respect the museum's rules – no flash photography, no food or drink, and no touching the exhibits.
  • Take a Museum Tour: Join a guided tour if available. It can provide valuable insights into the exhibits and collections.
  • Visit the Museum Shop: The museum shop often has unique souvenirs that reflect the museum's collections.

How to pack for your African vacation in Gaborone, Botswana - Pack for adventure: A guide to a hassle-free African vacation

Are you planning an African vacation in Gaborone, Botswana? Packing for any trip can be overwhelming, especially when travelling to a new destination. To help you prepare for your trip, here’s a packing guide that covers all the essentials for your trip to Gaborone.


Gaborone is a warm and sunny city all year round, so light and breathable clothing is recommended. You should pack comfortable clothing made from natural fibres like cotton, linen, or silk. It is also a good idea to pack a hat and sunglasses to protect you from the sun.

If you plan to go on safari, it is recommended that you pack long-sleeved shirts and pants made from lightweight and breathable material. This will protect you from the sun, mosquitoes, and thorny bushes. Additionally, it is important to pack closed-toe shoes for your safari adventure.

For your evenings out in the city, you may want to pack some smart casual clothing. A light jacket or sweater is also recommended as the temperature can drop in the evenings.


Pack your toiletries carefully, as not all brands may be available in Botswana. It is important to pack sunscreen, insect repellent, and any medications that you may need. You should also bring a first aid kit that includes band-aids, antiseptic cream, and pain relievers.

It is important to note that Gaborone is in a malarial zone, so it is recommended that you take malaria prophylaxis. Consult your doctor before traveling for the best advice.

Also if you plan your stay at Botswana resorts the likes of Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino you would get a premium range of complimentary toiletries along with a slew of additional offerings that you can enjoy.


Don’t forget to pack your camera, as there will be plenty of opportunities for taking pictures on your trip. Make sure to bring extra batteries and memory cards. If you plan to bring a drone, be sure to check the local laws and regulations first.

You should also pack your mobile phone, charger, and any other electronics you may need. It is important to note that the voltage in Botswana is 230V, so you may need an adapter.


Make sure to pack all your travel documents, including your passport, visa, travel insurance, and flight tickets. It is a good idea to make copies of these documents and keep them in a separate location in case of loss or theft.


The currency in Botswana is the Botswana Pula (BWP). You can exchange currency at banks, hotels, or foreign exchange bureaus. It is a good idea to bring some cash, as some places may not accept credit cards. Be sure to notify your bank of your travel plans to avoid your card being blocked due to suspicious activity.


Pack a backpack or daypack for your day trips, as well as a reusable water bottle. It is also a good idea to bring a small flashlight in the off chance of power outages.

If you plan to do laundry while on your trip, it is recommended that you bring some laundry detergent and a clothesline. This will allow you to wash your clothes and hang them to dry in your hotel room.

Lastly, it is important to pack a positive attitude and an open mind. Botswana is a beautiful country with a rich culture, and by embracing it, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience.

In toto, packing for a trip to Gaborone, Botswana, requires some planning and preparation. With this packing guide, you are sure to have all the essentials for a comfortable and enjoyable trip. Remember to pack light, but don’t forget the essentials. Bring your camera, your toiletries, your documents, and a positive attitude. With these tips, you are sure to have an amazing African adventure.