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How to manage your finances in Dubai

The elegant, opulent Dubai is more of a luxury travel destination. But it is entirely possible to go on a sojourn in even glitzy Dubai within a budget if you know how to manage your finances well. While you may not be able to buy ice cream coated in gold flakes, you can still enjoy the spell of Dubai’s old and the new without breaking the bank.

How to save money on accommodation in Dubai?

You can plan ahead of time carefully and look for hotel deals, access to restaurants in Dubai and things to do. If you take the time to research well and book well ahead of time you can snag yourself a lovely deal. Check with hotels like the Avani Deira Dubai Hotel to see if they offer packages.

How to save money in Dubai – visit the Old Quarter

The Old Quarter in Dubai is full of historical sites, ancient vibes, and a lingering sense of nostalgia. You can see what the city was like when the creek was the life’s blood of the traders and people who lived there. This area is cheaper than the rest of the city. You can get to the Dubai Museum for just 3 AED (Emirati Dirham). You can take a boat ride across the Creek for just 1 AED. Most of the attractions are similarly priced except for the extravagant Gold Souk.

How to save money in Dubai – check out cheap eats

Dubai is known for its haute cuisine dining scene, but it also offers budget eating for people travelling on a budget. You can look for roadside eateries and do look for some fast food. This is a great way to save money. You can balance your meals with some restaurant meals and street food to stay healthy. If your hotel offers complimentary breakfast, fill up on this meal and go for a light late lunch.

How to save money in Dubai – take the metro

Walking from place to place is not an option in Dubai. Taxis and Uber offer comfort, but these are expensive. You can sidestep this problem if you use the Dubai metro. It is a good way to get around without causing too much of a dent in your pocket. You can even enjoy great views of the city.

How to save money in Dubai – look for places with free entry

This is a secret most travellers don’t know. There are some places that offer entry at no fee. You can visit nightclubs without paying an entrance fee and stay off the alcohol to save money. Alcohol is expensive in Dubai and going teetotal for your holiday is a great way to save some cash. If you’re a woman, ladies night usually is on Tuesdays.

How to save money in Dubai – visit parks

Parks are lovely in Dubai during winter with the temperatures down. You can get lost in greenery and enjoy a lovely picnic and people-watch. It is safe for kids to let out their steam while you relax.

How to save money in Dubai – look for free events

Dubai loves to party and organize events. You’ll find concerts and sporting events scattered throughout the year. Some events don’t charge an entrance fee, but you’ll have to buy your own food.

Tips for saving money in Dubai

If a hotel or restaurant gives you a choice between charging your own currency or Dirham, always choose the latter. You can also keep your shopping to a minimum and enjoy the activities instead. You can combine some local activities with authentic flavours with more exciting ones to keep expenses at a minimum. Don’t forget to plan for plenty of downtime.

How to Handle Your Finances in Dubai – Enjoy Great Savings in an Alluring City

Dubai and the United Arab Emirates in general are often associated with extravagance, towering skyscrapers, artificial islands, lavish malls and the like. However, in recent times even those with relatively more modest means have commenced regularly visiting this dynamic destination. If you happen to be a money-conscious traveller visiting Dubai, you will find the suggestions provided below about managing your finances to be useful.

Photo by Ahsanjaya via pexels

Understand basic money matters

The currency used in the Emirates would be the UAE Dirham. You would find that it would be possible to live in Dubai on a budget, with inexpensive meals and necessities available for the cost-conscious visitor.
It is possible to pay by both cards and cash in Dubai. Visitors will find ATMs throughout the UAE, including at airports, malls and large hotels. If you happen to be offered the choice of paying in your native currency or Dirhams when making credit card payments, it would be preferable to pay in Dirhams. Otherwise, you would be opting for Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) which would often involve unfavourable exchange rates and more money being spent.

Exercise your discretion when bargaining

Although bargaining would be appropriate in certain situations when making purchases in Dubai, it would not be suitable in others. Naturally, bargaining with the vendors would be expected at informal marketplaces in Dubai where it would be part of the local culture. Similarly, you could also take the opportunity to bargain at establishments like independent gold and jewellery shops where prices could be somewhat variable. On the other hand, haggling would not be appropriate at international brand name stores where prices would be fixed, just as they would be at similar places across the world.

Be aware of tipping issues

Generally, in the UAE only hotels would legally be permitted to include service charges in their bills (usually at 10%). However, this service charge typically wouldn’t make its way to the actual staff themselves; therefore, handing over direct cash to express your gratitude would be appreciated. Meanwhile, at independent restaurants in Dubai and bars, tipping wouldn’t be compulsory yet would always be welcome. Naturally, the size of your tip would also reflect how good you thought the service was. A cost-effective accommodation choice to consider from which you could visit the local restaurants and other Dubai attractions would be Avani Deira Dubai Hotel.

Trim down on dining costs

Naturally, many of us would spend a significant proportion of our incomes on food and dining. Whilst in Dubai, you could save a considerable amount by preparing your own food or visiting less expensive restaurants. You may also save significantly by making your grocery purchases in bulk at large supermarkets where supplies would be cheaper than at the costlier minimarts. You will additionally have the chance to make bulk purchases from online purveyors. By buying in bulk, you could experience significant savings whilst also reducing your stress levels and transport expenses. In this way, you could trim down your food-related expenses in a noteworthy manner.

Make savings whilst shopping

Although we wouldn’t purchase expensive electronics like computers, phones, washing machines and TVs as often as we purchase food, these costly items could be equivalent to several months of our food budgets. Therefore, one must make every effort to save money when making such purchases whilst in Dubai. A great place at which to obtain discounted electronics would be the Gulf Information and Technology Exhibition (GITEX); at this trade show, you will find sophisticated electronics at reduced prices in addition to attractive promotions, prizes, and raffles. Another great opportunity for obtaining discounted goods would be the Dubai Shopping Festival during which you could avail yourself of an array of different products for sale prices.