How to pack for your vacation to Cambodia?

Cambodia is often considered a destination that brings you mental and spiritual bliss. So, needless to say, travelling to Cambodia is always exciting. However, packing for your Cambodian tour comes up during the planning stage, and this needs a bit of guidance. If you were looking for the perfect guide online, here it is!

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Clothes to pack

Don’t expect the climate of Cambodia to be cool and relaxing. Like in many tropical countries, the climate of Cambodia is hot and humid. So, whatever clothes you choose to take with you for the tour, make sure they are breathable. Comfy t-shirts and cotton wear will be great for Cambodia because you may experience excessive sweating due to the extra humidity.
Cambodia is also a Buddhist country. So, when you are packing for your tour, make sure you pack some appropriate clothing for temple visits too. Take a scarf with you, so that you can use it whenever needed.

A mosquito spray

You may find this funny, but you should have some serious thoughts on this when packing for your Cambodian tour. You will need to use mosquito spray throughout the day when in Cambodia, and that’s not a joke.
If you are planning to explore jungles during the tour, make sure you have a strong insect repellent with you too.

Your first aid kit

No matter where you travel to, you should take your first aid kit, and this Cambodian tour should not be an exception. Include some plasters, bandages, and painkillers in your first aid kit, and if you use some medicine regularly, make sure you take your prescriptions also with you.
Cambodia has some great pharmacies, but your first aid kit will help you out in case of any emergency.

A good torch

If your plan is to spend your Cambodian holiday at a great boutique hotel in Siem Reap the likes of Anantara Angkor Resort, this will not be a problem. But rural areas in Cambodia often have too many power cuts and sometimes they are lengthy too.
So, you will surely need a mini torch (a good one) if you plan to have some evening fun there.

A rain jacket

This is an essential item, especially if you are travelling to Cambodia during the monsoon season. A light rain jacket will be more than enough to keep you warm and protected when it’s raining.

An extra memory card

If you take a camera with you, make sure you take an extra memory card as well. Cambodia is a beautiful destination and you will click thousands of pictures even without noticing. The ‘memory full’ warning becomes a mental burden when you are enjoying a great photography session, and an extra memory card can take this burden away.


When in Cambodia, headphones become your trusted buddy. Cambodia, by nature, is a loud country. So, expect noise wherever you go- be it the city, bus stop, market, or even the bus/train. Have your own playlist of songs ready, and use headphones to listen to them when you are on the go. A lot of locals also do the same.

Sun protection

As mentioned earlier, Cambodia has a hot climate. Avoiding the scorching sun will not be an option here, but you can always stay protected. This is why good sunscreen is an absolute necessity for a tour in Cambodia. Choose a sunscreen that is at least SPF50.
You can take your big hat with you when you go out, and don’t forget your sunglasses too.

A universal charger

Your phone, laptop, camera, and even the torch (if it's a rechargeable one) need charging, and you may take a universal charger to get them charged. You will find the general plug sockets at hotels or villas, so it won't be a problem. But if you go to rural areas, make sure you have a universal charger and it will always be better if that charger facilitates surge protection.