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How to pack for your vacation to Cambodia?

Cambodia is often considered a destination that brings you mental and spiritual bliss. So, needless to say, travelling to Cambodia is always exciting. However, packing for your Cambodian tour comes up during the planning stage, and this needs a bit of guidance. If you were looking for the perfect guide online, here it is!

Photo by Kindel Media via pexels
Clothes to pack

Don’t expect the climate of Cambodia to be cool and relaxing. Like in many tropical countries, the climate of Cambodia is hot and humid. So, whatever clothes you choose to take with you for the tour, make sure they are breathable. Comfy t-shirts and cotton wear will be great for Cambodia because you may experience excessive sweating due to the extra humidity.
Cambodia is also a Buddhist country. So, when you are packing for your tour, make sure you pack some appropriate clothing for temple visits too. Take a scarf with you, so that you can use it whenever needed.

A mosquito spray

You may find this funny, but you should have some serious thoughts on this when packing for your Cambodian tour. You will need to use mosquito spray throughout the day when in Cambodia, and that’s not a joke.
If you are planning to explore jungles during the tour, make sure you have a strong insect repellent with you too.

Your first aid kit

No matter where you travel to, you should take your first aid kit, and this Cambodian tour should not be an exception. Include some plasters, bandages, and painkillers in your first aid kit, and if you use some medicine regularly, make sure you take your prescriptions also with you.
Cambodia has some great pharmacies, but your first aid kit will help you out in case of any emergency.

A good torch

If your plan is to spend your Cambodian holiday at a great boutique hotel in Siem Reap the likes of Anantara Angkor Resort, this will not be a problem. But rural areas in Cambodia often have too many power cuts and sometimes they are lengthy too.
So, you will surely need a mini torch (a good one) if you plan to have some evening fun there.

A rain jacket

This is an essential item, especially if you are travelling to Cambodia during the monsoon season. A light rain jacket will be more than enough to keep you warm and protected when it’s raining.

An extra memory card

If you take a camera with you, make sure you take an extra memory card as well. Cambodia is a beautiful destination and you will click thousands of pictures even without noticing. The ‘memory full’ warning becomes a mental burden when you are enjoying a great photography session, and an extra memory card can take this burden away.


When in Cambodia, headphones become your trusted buddy. Cambodia, by nature, is a loud country. So, expect noise wherever you go- be it the city, bus stop, market, or even the bus/train. Have your own playlist of songs ready, and use headphones to listen to them when you are on the go. A lot of locals also do the same.

Sun protection

As mentioned earlier, Cambodia has a hot climate. Avoiding the scorching sun will not be an option here, but you can always stay protected. This is why good sunscreen is an absolute necessity for a tour in Cambodia. Choose a sunscreen that is at least SPF50.
You can take your big hat with you when you go out, and don’t forget your sunglasses too.

A universal charger

Your phone, laptop, camera, and even the torch (if it's a rechargeable one) need charging, and you may take a universal charger to get them charged. You will find the general plug sockets at hotels or villas, so it won't be a problem. But if you go to rural areas, make sure you have a universal charger and it will always be better if that charger facilitates surge protection.

How to Explore Siem Reap, Angkor Wat and More – Stunning Attractions for the Culture Lover

The charming Cambodian city of Siem Reap would probably be best known as the entranceway to the famed Angkor ruins where you will find an array of ancient temples and other features of interest. However, you will also have the chance to visit the local night markets, savour the street foods and experience the other attractions in Siem Reap, as described below.

Visit the Old Market

On your tour of Siem Reap, look to add the interesting Old Market to your itinerary. By visiting this charming marketplace, you would have the opportunity to gain an authentic insight into the typical way of life of the locals. If you choose to visit this market during the morning, you would be able to observe the locals as they shop for their requirements for fresh produce. After strolling around this area, you may also enjoy a tasty meal at one of the restaurants located here.

Experience the Angkor National Museum

Before experiencing the Angkor Wat complex and the nearby attractions, it would be an excellent idea to gain an understanding of the culture and history of the Khmer kingdom. A great establishment at which to gain this knowledge would be Angkor National Museum where you could learn a great deal about these subjects. In fact, visiting this captivating museum would be a great way to spend an afternoon in Siem Reap.

Explore Angkor Archaeological Park

There would be no doubt that the vast Angkor Archaeological Park would be Siem Reap’s foremost attraction, including such cultural marvels as Angkor Wat, Bayon and Ta Prohm. Taking pride of place at this UNESCO World Heritage Site would be Angkor Wat, considered to be the world’s biggest religious monument. One of Asia’s most significant historical sites, this complex demonstrates the engineering and artistic prowess of the Khmer people. A boutique hotel in Siem Reap to consider from which you could easily visit this complex would be Anantara Angkor Resort which offers guided VIP tours too.
You should also take the opportunity to head to Bayon which happens to be renowned for its enigmatic huge stone faces. Another engrossing religious attraction at Angkor would be Ta Prohm, a temple entwined with huge tree roots, which was prominently featured in a Tomb Raider movie as well.

Browse through the night markets

Another not-to-be-missed experience in Siem Reap would be browsing through the fascinating night markets, with several being in proximity to one another. You will find an array of attractive bargains at these night markets, in addition to interesting artworks and appealing souvenirs. If you take the opportunity to visit the Siem Reap Art Centre Night Market, you will find a selection of paintings on media such as parchment and canvas.

Enjoy Pub Street

In the night-time, the locality of choice to be in Siem Reap would undoubtedly be Pub Street, home to an array of interesting bars and restaurants. As you make your way to this street, you will encounter an array of street stalls offering tasty snacks. If you happen to be a traveller on a budget, you could select a dish of fried noodles that would be filling and cheap. Pub Street would also be a great place to enjoy rolled ice cream, with plenty of stalls offering this sweet treat to be found here. You will additionally find an abundance of more exotic food choices, such as fried scorpions, crickets and so on!

View an Apsara Dance performance

Your visit to Siem Reap wouldn’t be complete without experiencing one of the enthralling Apsara dance performances staged here. You will see that Apsara dancing is a variety of traditional Cambodian ballet that would captivate the culture lover. During the performance, you will notice that the Apsara dancer, dressed in white and representing the spirit, leads the performance with subordinates in colourful skirts supporting the lead dancer. Even if you are not a huge fan of dancing, you are likely to be enthralled by this kind of performance.

How to Plan Your Vacation in Siem Reap – A sunny and rainy vacation

One of the most popular destinations in Cambodia, Siem Reap, is a must-visit for those who want to appreciate unperturbed Southeast Asian culture. You need at least three days to explore the historical jewels of Siem Reap. This is the gateway to exploring Angkor Ruins and a lot of other ancient sites, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage sites. Here’s how you can plan your vacation in this amazing city that seems to have been stuck in the lost world.

The best time to visit
The climate doesn’t really change much throughout the year; the temperatures remain on a similar level every month with an average of 28 degrees. The dry season is usually considered the best time to visit; the season spans from December to March. Rain showers remain at a minimum during this time, but the temperatures are bearable. Bear in mind that this is also the high season, which means that everything is double its low-season price, so be prepared to pay a lot for accommodation. The hot season, on the other hand, is from April to May, with an average temperature of 40 degrees. By the end of April, the city is practically empty, so this could be a great time to visit if you don’t mind the high temperatures. Accommodation will be less expensive with the additional benefit of lesser crowds. If you visit in the hot season, make sure you wear light clothing and lather your skin with sunscreen; also, keep in mind that you won’t be able to see any of the floating villages as the water levels are low. The rainy season is from June to November, characterised by southern monsoons. The temperatures are low during this time, but the rain showers are constant, and the chances of sightseeing are low.

You have a wide range of great accommodation options in Siem Reap, including Anantara Angkor Resort. Budget options are a favourite with backpackers; home stays are common, too. Mid-range and luxury options are ideal for those who want a comfortable stay with great guest service.

Getting here
There are three ways you can get here: bus, boat, and air. The international airport of Siem Reap, Siem Reap International Airport, is only 5 kilometres from downtown. From downtown, you can get to the Siem Reap Wharf in Tonle Sap Lake in 15 minutes. If you are interested in boat trips, make sure you visit in the rainy season, extending from June to November – the water is at an optimal level during this time. During the dry season, only small boats operate on the river, and when the water level is low, boats stop operating altogether. If you are a backpacker, look into bus travel; Capitol Tour and Mekong Express are the most popular services. As for train travel, the service is yet to be available in Cambodia. You can take a direct flight to Siem Reap from major Asian tourist destinations like Vietnam and Thailand.

Things to do
A diverse array of attractions awaits you in Siem Reap; things to do are many here. The number of temples found here can be categorised into three: outlying temples, big circuit, and small circuit. Small circuit covers the temples located at Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat. Big Circuit contains the temples in the eastern and northern parts of the city. To explore the outlying temples, you need to travel about 20 kilometres from Siem Reap; this group of temples includes sites with original features untainted by time. Adventure seekers are in luck; hiking and trekking are among the popular tourist activities. However, if you want to do something different, you should join a cooking class. Also, don’t forget to give yourself some time to relax and take in the unspoiled natural beauty of Siem Reap.

How to Explore Angkor Wat in Cambodia – A Breathtaking Ancient Temple Compound

The intriguing Angkor temple complex in Cambodia will undoubtedly captivate the culture lover and general sightseer alike. Innumerable visitors from across the world visit this ancient complex of temples drawn by its fascinating attractions and mystical allure. At this UNESCO World Heritage Site, you will encounter a mesmerizing array of architectural marvels that will amaze and delight the visitor. Provided below is some useful information about experiencing the Angkor complex.

Understand the background

At one time, Angkor happened to be the Khmer Empire’s capital city; in the Middle Ages, this empire controlled much of the region of Southeast Asia. Angkor was initially constructed by the monarch Yasovarman I many centuries ago. During the peak of the Khmer Empire, it is thought that as many as a million residents lived here. You will see that Angkor occupies an area of as much as 1,000 sq. km which makes it comparable in size to many of today’s cities. However, in approximately 431 A.D, Angkor was suddenly abandoned, and no one is quite sure why. For many years it lay hidden in the jungle until some archaeologists from Europe drew attention to the site. Today, you will see that many of the lovely temples at Angkor have been meticulously restored.

Select the time to visit

You will find that Cambodia enjoys a warm climate all through the year, but it experiences distinct dry and wet seasons. The dry season which extends from November through May would be the high season for visiting Angkor, with the city’s unpaved roads being more convenient to use at this time of the year. However, as you might expect, the temples could be crowded with more visitors during this time. On the other hand, you could also visit during the wet season, as downpours will usually occur no more than once each day; the rains will also make the jungle lush and appealing.

Visit Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom

There is no doubt that the famed Angkor Wat would be the central attraction at the Angkor complex. The entire temple itself occupies an extent of a square kilometre and features three terraces with five eye-catching towers. The arrangement of spires at Angkor Wat happens to be a traditional motif of Khmer architecture representing Mount Meru, the abode of the Hindu gods.
Also, of note in the Angkor complex would be Angkor Thom; this happens to be another stunning temple that will delight the visitor. Here, the daring will have the opportunity to scale the ladders provided to reach the striking Terrace of Elephants.

Experience Bayon and Pre Rup

Angkor Thom’s central shrine would be Bayon, which happens to be renowned for its intriguing towers that feature an array of massive stone faces, as well as its sculptured exterior and interior. Another interesting temple at Angkor would be Pre Rup which rather resembles a miniature version of the famed Angkor Wat. An accommodation choice to consider from which you could easily visit Bayon and other attractions within the complex would be Anantara Angkor Resort in the nearby town of Siem Reap. Things to do here apart from visiting Angkor Wat would include exploring the countryside and horse riding.

Enjoy the other temples

Another not-to-be-missed temple at Angkor would be the mysterious Ta Prohm, also known for having been featured in the movie ‘Tomb Raider’. You will find that Ta Prohm with its massive tree roots presents a striking sight and is best experienced in the morning. Preah Khan is an additionally noteworthy temple which presents a captivating optical illusion for the visitor. If you make your way across the bridge that you will find here, you will reach a tranquil lake too. Some distance away you will find the temple known as Banteay Srei, which is renowned for its exquisite well-preserved carvings.